Last time I provided an overview in Semester 1 it didn’t include all the feature Insurin currently has. Below is an updated version of my Insurin Overview

Product Overview

Insurin is a reliable application for insulin dependent diabetics that educates, guides and provides intelligence regarding blood glucose levels and bolus doses. Our mission is for diabetics around the world to feel empowered by understanding their body and knowing how to look after it as best they can. I am creating a device to work alongside my app which will administer insulin whilst also reading blood glucose and ketone levels.

How did the idea come about?

I am a diabetic and recently have been having severe hypoglycaemic episodes. This is due to my body changing and no longer knowing how much insulin I need to inject.  I was becoming stressed and wanted someone to take this stress off me, but what if an app could do this? I would feel reassured and a massive weight would be lifted off my shoulders.  I wanted an app that calculated my dosages for me and helped me have more stable blood glucose levels. After chatting to other diabetics, I found out that a main struggle they had when diagnosed was being handed a bunch of leaflets and being sent home with a life changing condition and little education or guidance. I then spoke to an employee within NHS human resources and they said that the NHS needs to provide better support to type 1 diabetics who are newly diagnosed when they leave hospital.

The challenge

In the past 15 years the number of diabetics in the UK has doubled and this number continues to grow.  Currently, there are 4.9 million people living with diabetes, out of this amount 10% are type 1 diabetics meaning they are completely insulin dependent.  The number of type 1 diabetics is rising by 4% each year.  For diabetics, controlling their blood glucose levels is crucial because if you don’t then complications can occur such as blindness, nervous system damage and amputations. Annually, diabetes costs the NHS £14 billion per year and complications cause 80% of this spending. With complications being reduced by better education and guidance the NHS will save £11.2 billion which can be spent on other conditions and doctors/nurses time can be spent on other patients.

The solution

For insulin dependent diabetics understanding what can make your blood sugars rise and fall is vital for stable blood glucose levels.  Insurin will help users to avoid hypo and hyperglycaemic episodes using their smartphone by attempting to prevent complications through educating the user on what’s going on with their body and providing much needed functions such as guidance on bolus doses assisted by AR scanning, advice on exercise and behaviour pattern tracking to correct dosage mistakes in the future.

Our biggest selling factor

Insurin will look at your blood glucose levels and behaviour patterns, personalising education just for you dependent on what you need to understand most. Insurin will use your phone camera to scan meals using augmented reality technology.  Through the settings you input into the app, Insurin will calculate the amount of carbohydrates in your meals and you will then be informed on how much insulin to inject.  Insurin is aware of all contributing factors to your blood glucose, making you aware of them such as the effects insulin may be having on your body from previous that day, the effects of exercise on your body, as well as how your stable your glucose levels were after injecting from similar previous meals.


To be the most accurate and reliable application for insulin dependent diabetics, empowering them to manage their condition with confidence and without fear.