Product Overview

Insurin is a reliable smartphone application that provides accurate guidance regarding bolus doses and blood glucose levels for insulin dependent diabetics. Our mission is for diabetics to feel empowered by having control over their body.

How did the idea come about?

I am a diabetic and recently have been having severe hypoglycaemic episodes. This is due to my body changing and no longer knowing how much insulin I need to inject.  I was becoming stressed and wanted someone to take this stress off me, but what if an app could do this? I would feel reassured and a massive weight would be lifted off my shoulders.  I wanted an app that calculated my dosages for me and helped me have more stable blood glucose levels. After chatting to other diabetics, I found out that they had the same struggles as me, so I knew there was potential for a product in this area.

The challenge

In the past 15 years the number of diabetics in the UK has doubled and this number continues to grow.  Currently, there are 4.9 million people living with diabetes, out of this amount 10% are type 1 diabetics meaning they are completely insulin dependent.  The number of type 1 diabetics is rising by 4% each year.  For diabetics, controlling their blood glucose levels is crucial because if you don’t then complications can occur such as blindness, nervous system damage and amputations.

The solution

For insulin dependent diabetics giving yourself the correct insulin doses is vital for stable blood glucose levels.  Insurin will help users to avoid hypo and hyperglycaemic episodes using their smartphone.  Complications can be prevented through much needed functions such as guidance on bolus doses assisted by AR scanning, behaviour pattern tracking to correct dosage mistakes in the future and random daily check ins to check your blood glucose levels.

Our biggest selling factor

Insurin uses your phone camera to scan meals using augmented reality technology.  It will calculate the amount of carbohydrates in front of you and you will then be informed on how much insulin to inject.  When calculating your dosage Insurin will consider the amount of insulin already in your system, exercise taking place later on that day and the effects insulin may be having on your body from previously that day as well as how your stable your glucose levels were after injecting from similar previous meals.


To be the most accurate and reliable application for insulin dependent diabetics, empowering them to manage their condition with confidence. I want less diabetics to be facing complications and more diabetics staying within the required blood glucose range.