I have to propose my product to my lecturers and classmates to gain feedback. Therefore, I have created a slidedeck outlining the problem I'm trying to solve, solutions I've created and then the research to support my solution.

My slidedeck:

Emma Corbett - Insurin Slide Deck.pdf

Freytag's Pyramid

In the book 'The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design' I came across Freytags pyramid which outlines the 7 key steps of successful storytelling. This is useful not only in novels and movies but also when it comes to presenting. By having exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution and denouement you can keep the listener hooked and also understand the story of your product more clearly.

Only because I am at the beginning of my project I won't have as clear of a storyline as I would if I had my project completed. However, I am still going to try my best to follow this guide.
